Pole Dancing For Fitness and Agility
Previously known both a sport and a performing art, pole dancing now has got the added dimension of being a fitness tool. It is a combination of dance and gymnastics that uses a vertical pole. A professional dancer needs great strength and fitness to do the act. The modern day dancing using a pole is a combination of all these and there are professionals performers as well as the ones that uses it as a remedy for slowing the ageing process.
Pole dancing is immensely popular today because many of the celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Zoe Ball and Sadie Frost have been enthusiastic about it. The most important attraction of a pole dancer is that it will give them clear edge over others in their body shape and in their outward appearance. If you are looking for strength and fitness, then pole dancing will be a great option as there is real fun involved in it.
Origin of pole dancing
The origin of pole dancing can be traced back to a myth from ancient Sumaria that involves the Goddess of Love, Innana and her quest to the underworld in search of her lover Damouz and as soon as she left earth, it became barren and it was only after her return that the earth became abundant and fruitful. “The Dance of the Seven Veils” by Salome in the Bible is believed to be a manifestation of this myth. Its modern form began in the 1980s in Canada and later it spread to all parts of the world.
The style and variety of pole dancing is the major factor that made this form a great success and today many people use this to maintain a healthy body and mind. The rhythmic movement of a pole dancer is a treat to watch and the great element of fun involved in it make it even more popular.
Fitness pole dancing
There are a lot of methods to stay fit. Any good aerobic activities will keep a person agile. But fitness pole dancing is a combination of subtle rhythmic movements that acts like a good and complete aerobic exercise program. It will show you how to move in a healthy, graceful and confident manner and the program will help you to sculpt and tone your arms, abs, legs and shoulders. Moreover, it will do a lot more than even the best anti-ageing creams and can very effectively keep the wrinkles away. When you start to learn it will help you to maintain a healthy and agile body and it will boost your confidence level immensely.
Virtually anyone can learn, provided they have the willingness to do it. Women and old people have some special interest in it as the activity is as interesting as a sporting action but the returns it gives and much more and manifold. More than merely a fitness tool, dancing around a pole has emerged as a part of the life of modern man. People love to engage in the mesmerising world of pole dancing.